The Last Nine

Just a low-stock alert for STUDIES IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS by Charles Oman. There are nine eight left of the print run of 600, so if you want one, you should probably act quickly. The print run of 600 is now sold out. Both the stamp and the hub tests have been successfully completed. As a result of the imminent fourth-straight History sellout, we’ll be increasing the print run to 650 for the two-volume Byzantium set.


Diddy and Biggie

I have succeeded in living my adult life with very limited exposure to any knowledge of Sean Combs. I think I’ve heard parts of four songs in which he was directly involved in some way, which includes the abomination in which he rapes a famous Police song. His complete lack of talent combined with his inexplicable stardom and his ubiquity always made me assume that he was a complete satanic sellout, but the revelation that he was the Black Epstein of hip hop makes me wonder, in retrospect, if Biggie Smalls was the sacrifice he made to ensure his ascent.


DBD Arrives on Arktoons

Chris Muir’s Day by Day has been a popular comic strip for more than two decades. So we’re very pleased to see him bringing not one, but two series to Arktoons, the first of which is Day by Day In the USSA.

Day by Day is an American political webcomic by Chris Muir. The humor usually centers on four principal characters who had initially been presented as co-workers at an unspecified firm until the firm went out of business on December 25, 2007. Romantic relationships among the principals resulted in marriages and children, with one of the couples opening a small bar in the unnamed Texas Rio Grande Valley ranchland in which the strip is now principally set. These characters, their friends, and their families remain the strip’s focus.

In other Arktoons news, JDA will be bringing Overmind to Arktoons soon now that his Ayla Rin crowdfund has been successfully completed.


Attack on Trump Rally

This time, it was aimed at the supporters:

Arizona Globe journalist Christy Kelly has reported a troubling development following former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday. Kelly noted that “as many as 20 people” were affected by these symptoms, all of whom were seated on the left side of the stage.

“Many supporters seated behind Trump onstage went to the ER after the rally with “blurred vision” and “burning” to the eyes. I spoke to several who still have not fully recovered. As many as 20 were affected,” Kelly wrote on X.

The cause of the symptoms remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway.

Supporters from the “Latinos for Trump” group were among the most severely impacted, including Pastor Eli Moreno and his wife, Francesca. Pastor Moreno described mild discomfort, but his wife’s symptoms were far worse. “Her vision blurred, her face swelled up, and we had to rush to the nearest Walgreens for help,” Pastor Moreno told Kelly. Mrs. Moreno’s symptoms persisted for several days, and despite treatment in the ER, she has been referred to an ophthalmologist for further care.

It sounds like a microwave attack or perhaps whatever technology produces the so-called Havana Syndrome. It seems more than a little strange that whoever is utilizing it would unleash it so openly, and against people who are doing nothing but attending a normal political rally, but we’ve clearly entered a period of High Weirdness that exceeds pretty much anything that the science fiction writers have managed to imagine.


Mailvox: An Unhappy Reader

I think it is safe to assume that the emailer was very, very far from what Umberto Eco would describe as my ideal reader.

I was waiting for YEARS to read the next piece of the arts of dark and light series just for it to start with a bloody rape scene. A truly dark and horrific scenario with no heroism or morals what so ever. In true George Rape Rape Martin fashion.

It just disgusts me and It ruined the series for me.

Of course this dark stuff was never left out in your series, but this sledgehammer version of it with no real context, in such a lazy fashion with no true fight and such lame plot justification to force a naked rape to happen.

I stopped as soon as I realised what you were doing and I won’t read it anymore. I waited so long in anticipation and was looking forward for the continuation of one of the only epic fantasy stories I was into.

Fuck you Vox

Sometimes readers understand what an author is doing. Sometimes they don’t. Obviously, this reader’s opinion is as valid as that of any other reader and I don’t take any offense at his reaction, but I will point out that he quite clearly did not realize what I was doing there on any level. Nor is it even remotely correct to characterize the ASOS prologue as having been written without context, in a “lazy fashion”, or with “lame plot justification”. To the contrary, it is there for several very good reasons, among which is the stakes involved. It’s the precise opposite of what George RR Martin does.

If you don’t understand that foreign invasions are horrific things, with catastrophic consequences for women and children as well as for the brave soldiers on the front lines, or if you simply prefer your heroic tales to be a bit more delicate and antiseptic, that’s perfectly fine. But then, I’m not the writer for you. Unlike both Tolkien and Martin, I paint with a full palette of colors, and that palette includes black.

I don’t wallow in it, but neither do I shy away from it, as anyone who has read either Midnight’s War or The Last Closet will know.


Very Bad Business

I’m extremely skeptical, but it is now being reported that Israel actually manufactured the exploding pagers and walkie-talkies that injured more than 7,000 people in Lebanon:

The Israeli secret service didn’t just tamper with the deadly Hezbollah pagers — they made them from scratch, having set up a complex web of shell companies across Europe, it was claimed today. Initially it was suspected that Mossad had managed to intercept and plant tiny bombs in a shipment of the pagers headed for the Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon after thousands of people were injured and dozens killed.

But now it appears that the Israelis set up front companies across Europe to manufacture the pagers themselves, embedding small amounts of PETN explosive inside, ready to be detonated by a coded message. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied any role in the explosions, but 12 current and former defence and intelligence officials told the New York Times that the Israelis were behind it, describing the operation as ‘complex and long’.

First, this strikes me as damage control. People are quite likely concerned that their Apple and Android smartphones can be blown up, and it would make sense that the World Economic Forum types would want to squelch any question of the integrity of the global supply chains as rapidly as possible. I think it’s much more likely that the manufacturing process was infiltrated and the explosives were inserted without the knowledge of more than a few people at the factory. But it could still be as bad as a software attack on an intrinsic vulnerability of lithium-ion batteries, for all we know.

Second, this is arguably more destructive in the long term to the Israeli economy than the whole Boycott Diversify Sanctions movement has been. Even a die-hard Zionist might well want to avoid any Israeli-linked hardware device going forward.

Imagine when they move onto cars…


The Economic Decline of Germany

The suicidal decision to increase energy prices is now causing centuries-old German breweries to shut down:

The decline of the traditional German brewing industry shows no signs of slowing down. Recently, several breweries have filed for bankruptcy or closed permanently, resulting in the loss of centuries-old brewing traditions.

The latest victims are the Gambrinus Brewery in Weiden, Upper Palatinate, and the Gesellschaftsbrauerei Viechtach, about 100 km southeast. Both are located in the Bavarian border region with the Czech Republic, an area often described as structurally weak. The nearly 100-year-old Gambrinus Brewery filed for insolvency on Friday at the Weiden District Court due to unpaid bills and outstanding wages. The brewery’s decline is attributed to rising costs, pandemic-related sales losses, and internal issues, with current production at around 15,000 hl, half its peak output.

On Thursday, it was announced that the insolvent Gesellschaftsbrauerei Viechtach would close permanently after nearly 500 years, ceasing production. Despite intensive negotiations, no investors were willing to continue operations. Remaining employees have been let go, and the Viechtacher brand will continue to be produced at the nearby Hofmark Brewery in Loifling, located in the Cham district of the Upper Palatinate.

Last month, the 672-year-old Karmeliter-Bräu from Salz near Bad Neustadt an der Saale (about 75 km northeast of Würzburg) permanently closed its doors. The brand and distribution rights were acquired by Oettinger Brewery, one of Germany’s largest brewery groups, mainly active in the entry-level segment. It is speculated that the brand, named after a monastic order, will be used to establish the group in the higher-priced segment, similar to other well-known brands like Trappist, Augustiner, Paulaner, Franziskaner, Benediktiner, and Kapuziner.

In addition to various external and internal factors, the wave of brewery closures is also due to declining beer consumption in Germany. Recent figures show a significant drop in sales in June 2024 compared to June 2023, with a total decrease of 11.2% or nearly 1 million hl. The Federal Statistical Office reported that beer sales in June 2024, at 7.77 million hl, were the lowest for June since the Beer Tax Act was revised in 1993.

Prosperity is never a given. This decline, and in some cases, inevitable collapse of various societies is the direct result of the national elites being subverted and converted to false and foreign ideologies that promote dyscivilizational dysgenics. Diversity is not a strength, it is a fatal cancer to every society, as is readily observable in the histories of every fallen empire. The migrants are no better for the Germans than the Spaniards were for the Incas, or than the Arabs were for the Byzantines. In the end, it’s not the armies that eradicate a human society, but the women and children who normally follow them and eventually replace the native genetics with their own.

A Germany full of Germans is an economic powerhouse. An area of 357,022 square kilometers in the middle of Europe populated primarily by German-speaking Turks, Arabs, and Africans will be neither German nor an economic powerhouse. This is not rocket science.

The dirt is not magic. The ideas are not material. People will always live according to their own natural preferences. The transplantation of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants to the New World is what made America what it was in the place of the American Indian societies that preceded it. Neither geography nor ideology nor language nor even religion are determinant in the end, as genetics ultimately and always dictates the destinies of nations.

As the great Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld has written, immigration is war. To be more specific, it is war on the native people and their culture.


Clown vs Clown

Now that the upcoming Japanese leadership struggle has begun, I previously observed that Shinjiro Koizumi was clearly a clown. Now it’s apparent that another leading candidate is as well:

A senior US State Department official has said that it is “too early” to talk about building a NATO-style bloc in Asia, after Japanese Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba called on Washington to discuss the matter in more depth.

Ishiba, who is a leading candidate to succeed Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, called last week for the creation of an “Asian version of NATO” by “uniting” its various security arrangements in the region into a formal defense pact. “At least we should deepen our discussions on this topic,” he said.

Speaking at a conference in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Assistant US Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Daniel Kritenbrink shot down Ishiba’s suggestion.

“It’s too early to talk about collective security in that context, and [the creation of] more formal institutions,” Kritenbrink said, according to Japan’s Nikkei newspaper. “What we’re focused on is investing in the region’s existing formal architecture and continuing to build this network of formal and informal relationships. And then we’ll see where that goes.”

One would think that after 70 years of US military occupation, signing up to play the role of Ukraine to China’s Russia would be the last thing that any Japanese politician would support. And yet, here we are. Clown World already set up an Asian NATO called SEATO, which collapsed in 1977, but now that China is posing a serious challenge, they’re having the Japanese take the lead on reviving it.

The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was an international organization for collective defense in Southeast Asia created by the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, or Manila Pact, signed in September 1954 in Manila, Philippines. The formal institution of SEATO was established on 19 February 1955 at a meeting of treaty partners in Bangkok, Thailand. The organization’s headquarters were also in Bangkok. Eight members joined the organization. Primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia, SEATO is generally considered a failure because internal conflict and dispute hindered general use of the SEATO military; however, SEATO-funded cultural and educational programs left long-standing effects in Southeast Asia. SEATO was dissolved on 30 June 1977 after many members lost interest and withdrew.

It may well be that none of the leadership candidates are free of clown control, as I’m skeptical of both the female candidates, and particularly the young Digital minister. Which suggests that if Japan is going to break free and join the sovereign nations in the next ten years, it won’t be through the LDP.


Shots Fired

Mike Florio takes a very serious and very public shot at Panthers’ owner David Tepper:

And the incoming quarterbacks have more power than ever before. Their money is the source of it. They have earned plenty. They have (or should have) banked a lot of it. They can make it clear to the Panthers, privately or if need be publicly, that they won’t sign a contract with the Panthers. That whoever is drafted by Tepper’s team will sit out for a year, live off his NIL money (and possibly earn more of it), and re-enter the draft the next time around. That’s how it works. If a player is drafted and doesn’t sign a contract, he re-enters the next draft. If he does it again, he can pick whichever team he wants after the next draft…

It’s high time for incoming quarterbacks to take a stand when it comes to being forced to play for an inept organization. And there’s always strength in numbers. The Panthers should be the first target for a collective “no thanks” by the top prospects.

Florio tends to be a little too inclined to tell other people what they should do for my liking. But for once, his inclination toward interference in the business of others is both justified and sound. David Tepper always looked like he’d be a disaster as an NFL team owner and a disaster is exactly what he’s turned out to be. In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if there are more influential NFL figures speaking through Florio’s voice here.